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Model in floral print shirt with loc bun hairstyle.

3 Ways To Rock Loc Bun Styles

Did you know that the hair bun probably originated with the Maori people in ancient New Zealand? And that it was a style that men may have worn initially?

Men in ancient Asia, especially in China and Korea, probably wore a bun or top knot to denote their married or privileged status.

Fast-forward hundreds of years, and the bun hairstyle is now something women usually wear.

If your dreadlock strands are long enough, there are plenty of loc bun styles that you rock. Here are three for you to try out.

Get Lion Locs today. We off the best all-natural and organic dreadlock grooming products in the industry.

Related: The Best 2 Strand Twist Styles for Locs

Traditional Dreadlock Bun

The traditional dreadlock bun is accomplished by swirling and wrapping the dreadlock strands into a bun shape on the top of your head.

Start by crafting a central knot on the top of your scalp. And then start wrapping dreadlock strands around that knot until they form the classic bun shape.

You could lock in the shape by weaving and tucking dreadlock strands into the bun or using a hair clip.

You will need to have long-length dreadlock strands to accommodate the aesthetics of a broader rim or halo bun style that encompasses the total diameter of your head.

Ropey Strand Loc Bun

 Model with braided loc bun style. 

Divide your dreadlock strands by two or three strands apiece, and then braid them into two-strand twists or three-strand plaits. 

And then just follow the hairstyling method for the traditional loc bun. The aim here is to weave and wrap your multi-strand locs into a bun that will have an aesthetically rope-like look to each strand.

Slender Bun Hive

Model with slender vertical loc bun.

Wrap the first knot on the top of your scalp into a slender and vertical bun hive knot. And then wrap your dreadlock strands in a high-weaving vertical formation to create a high loc bun that almost resembles a post.

For added style accentuation, let the dreadlock strands on the sides of your head flow and only wrap the strand on the top o.f your head.

While mastering these loc bun styles, here are some ideas on how to hygienically and stylistically take care of them.

Prerequisites For Maintaining the Loc Bun Style

As you can take advantage of the myriad styles that the loc bun hairstyle offers, your hair needs to be prepped and protected beforehand.

Here is what you need to know.

Let Your Locs Grow

Firstly, ensure your dreadlocks are long enough to be wrapped in a bun. You could sidestep this issue by investing in faux loc extensions. Still, investing in faux loc extensions kind of defeats the purpose of investing in growing natural dreadlocks. 

Let your dreadlocks grow to a length of at least eight inches to a foot before you attempt wrapping them in a bun. But for aesthetics, the longer your dreadlocks, the more volume, and style they will have as you style your bun.

The average hair follicle grows about one-third to half an inch per month or about six inches annually. Still, depending on your ethnicity and genetics, some people's hair grows as much as an inch per month. 

From the moment you begin growing and twisting your hair into dreadlocks, it may take eight months to two years before they become dreadlocks. But if you started growing dreadlocks with really short hair, it could take two or three years before you have enough length to wrap them in a bun.

Be patient and let your locs grow.

Beware of Dread Rot

Your dreadlocks should always be as dry as possible when you are out in public. 

Never wrap your hair locs into a bun if they are damp. All you will be doing is inviting the growth of dread rot on your scalp and locs.

Dread rot is another name for hair fungus, which is also called scalp mold. Dread rot can cause bald patches, inching, inflammation, and redness on the scalp. Also, dread rot is contagious if you share a towel with others.

The biggest problem with dread rot is that once you get it, it is very hard to get rid of when you have dreadlocks. And once dread rot penetrates the interior of your dreadlock strands, they grow, spread, and emit a pungent odor.

Dread rot-infested hair can smell like wet dog hair or used bath towels left in a hamper for a few days.

Dreadlocks strands are hair follicles that are twisted, locked, and fused together in a twisted and spiral-like pattern that reaches from your scalp to the tip of the dreadlock.

So, once you get dread rot, it basically becomes trapped in the dreadlock strand. You will have to endure complex vinegar-based hair washes to get rid of it or cut off your locs completely.

Dry your dreadlocks thoroughly after you wash them. Gently squeeze each dreadlock strand with a dry and clean towel. Dry your hair with a salon-quality dome hairdryer if necessary.

Beware of Ultra-Dryness

Your dreadlocks should never be wet when you wrap them in a bun. There is no excuse for it, and you will only invite dread rot problems.

On the other hand, there is a balance that must be straddled when it comes to hygiene. For example, whether you have dreadlocks or straight hair, you probably shouldn't wash it every day. 

All you will do is strip the hair follicles of the natural oils it needs to be healthy.

Making your dreadlocks too dry can result in brittle hair follicles that can become damaged and break.

Before you wrap your dry dreadlocks in a bun, you should moisten them with an all-natural and vegan dreadlock grooming gel or moisturizer. Ultra-dry dreadlocks that are constantly twisted and wrapped into a bun will become damaged over time.

Traction Alopecia

The loc bun hairstyle that you implement should never feel tight on your scalp, especially to the point where it feels like the follicles on your scalp are being pulled with force.

Traction alopecia is a kind of hair baldness that is caused by tightly pulling and twisting hair for the sake of a hairstyle. 

Tightly pulling your hair in the service of various hairstyles over years or decades can cause bald spots, receding hairlines, and temporary or permanent baldness. 

Wear a Scarf or Headwrap

When you are outside, you may want to wear a scarf or headwrap to protect your dreadlock bun from dust and airborne debris.

Lion Locs dreadlock care products are vegan, organic, all-natural, and never contain toxic ingredients.

Related: The Best Loc Styles For Ladies

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