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A man with long dreadlocks at the beach

How To Take Care of Locs During Summertime

Whether or not you think climate change is real, you can't deny that the world is getting hotter.

Over 100 million Americans are baking in 100-degree weather. The U.K.'s heatwave is a state of emergency; the region experienced temperatures of 104 degrees for the first time in its meteorological history.

So, what does this mean for you if you wear dreadlocks? You must know how to take care of your dreadlocks during the summertime.

Take the best care of your dreadlocks with Lion Loc's organic and vegan dreadlock grooming products.

Related: Popular Loc Styles To Inspire You This Summer Season

Keep Your Dreadlocks Dry

Back view of a white man at the beach with wet dreadlocks.

Like any other hairstyle, you must maintain a maintenance regimen when wearing dreadlocks. And there is a delicate balance you must maintain between keeping your dreadlocks bone-dry after washing and sufficiently moisturized any other time.

But one thing at a time. Always strive to keep your dry meticulous dry after washing.

Wet dreadlocks can cause the growth and proliferation of "dread rot," which is another name for hair fungus

Dread rot is not deadly. But it produces an unpleasant wet dog type of odor. A better description is that the smell of dread rot is equivalent to leaving wet clothes and towels in a dark hamper for a few days.

Additionally, it's important to remember that a dreadlock strand has an internal spiral structure of locked and fused hair particles. And as you naturally twist your dreadlocks as they grow, particulates, dust, grime, dirt, and residue from unhealthy hair products can become trapped within the crevices of locked and fused hair follicles within dreadlock strands.

And wet hair containing such particulate debris will only initiate or worsen dread rot growth in dreadlocks.

If you have dreadlocks, you only need to wash your hair once or twice a week. Dry your hair thoroughly with a towel. Gently squeeze each dreadlock strand with a towel to ensure they are dry. Dreadlocks can become sponges when immersed in water.

You could use a hair dryer. Or a salon-style dome hair dryer to keep your locs dry after each washing.

Always Use Clarifying Shampoos and Loc Grooming Products

Only use clarifying and organic dreadlock grooming products when cleaning, maintaining, and grooming your dreadlocks.

Take an inventory of every hair product in your bathroom or closet. Most traditional hair care products feature toxic chemicals that cause asthma, natural hormone disruption, and even cancer

Many traditional hair products feature chemicals and ingredients that don't degrade quickly. And if the residue from these products gets stuck on hair follicles inside a dreadlock strand, then they could be stuck forever. 

Or worse, they could convert into hair fungus in the hot sun.

Only Swim in Well-Maintenanced Pools

If you swim at the beach, try to frolic in water that is not densely populated with water.

If you swim in public pools, inquire about their maintenance and shocking routines. Pool shocking is the process of replenishing strategically calculated amounts of chlorine in a pool.

Summer makes people want to go outside and congregate at pools and beaches. However, this can be bad news for your dreadlocks. As we mentioned before, dreadlocks basically turn into a sponge when immersed in water.

And people who densely congregate pools and patches of beach water can be disgusting.

Over 40% of people will pee in a public pool. About 52% of people admit that they don't bathe, shower, or clean themselves before entering a public pool. Those people consider frolicking in a public pool as bathing.

And 25% of grown adults would jump in a public pool within an hour of experiencing diarrhea.

And if you jump into a public pool with a questionable maintenance record, your dreadlocks will soak in any bacteria present like a sponge.

As we previously mentioned, try to swim in less populated parts of the beach if possible. Before swimming in a public pool, ask about the pool shocking schedule. I would rather swim in a public pool that was recently shocked with chlorine than not.

Follow your nose. Chlorine-shocked pools do not emit strong chemical smells. If you notice a strong and pungent chemical smell from a pool, run in the other direction. 

Pools overpowered with dirt and human waste molecules will overpower chlorine and convert it into chloramines, emitting a strong chemical smell.

Swim With a Swimming Cap or Soak It

  A woman with a cap sitting by the poolside.

Saltwater and chlorine can damage your dreadlocks in numerous ways.

Remember that when you immerse your dreadlocks in saltwater or poolwater, it basically becomes a sponge. Whatever is in that water will become embedded and cling to the hair follicles inside your dreadlocks.

If you don't wash your hair thoroughly, saltwater or chlorine residue will cling to your dreadlocks. (This is a problem for anyone with hair, not only for those with dreadlocks.)

Saltwater will severely dry out and dehydrate your hair. Dried-out and dehydrated hair follicles break, become damaged, and turn into split ends. Saltwater residue in your hair will also cause dandruff issues.

Chlorine residue in your hair will remove all of the natural oils within it. Chlorine can also chemically alter your hair, change its color, and weaken it.

Wrap up your hair and put on a swimming cap before swimming to keep residue infiltration to a minimum. However, the longer that you swim, the less effective this method becomes.

You can also soak your hair in water or liberally apply a clarifying conditioner before swimming. This protective measure will keep significant amounts of saltwater or chlorine from being absorbed into your air. Still, the longer that you swim, the less effective this method becomes.

Moisturize Your Dreads

As previously mentioned, it's important to keep your dreadlocks dry after washing.

But you also need to keep your dreadlocks moisturized as well. Apply a dreadlock moisturizing gel to help keep its natural oils and keep it from drying out.

You can also apply rosewater or organic natural oils to keep them smelling good as well.

Wear a Scarf or Hat

If you are walking around in this 100+ degree weather, then you should carry sunscreen and keep your dreadlocks wrapped up and covered.

Too much direct sunlight is going to discolor, dry out, dehydrate, and weaken your dreadlock strands. 

You also need to consider that the thin portions of your scalp not covered by dreadlocks or growing hair could develop sunburn.

Lion Locs organic dreadlock care products are free of toxic chemicals like sulfates and parabens. Try our products today,

Related: Surprising Facts You Might Not Know About Locs

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