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a tall man with wick dreadlocks

Wick Dreadlocks: Everything You Need To Know

Dreadlocks, for many, are a statement or symbol of self-expression and personal style. But for others, dreadlocks are simply a way of life. No matter your reason for wanting dreadlocks, it is crucial to understand the process and all that goes into maintaining them. In this post, we will cover everything you need to know about wick dreads – from how to create them to how to maintain them. So whether you're a first-time lock wearer or a seasoned pro, read on!

What Are Wick Dreadlocks?

Wick dreads are a type of dreadlock made using a crocheting technique. This technique involves taking small sections of hair and wrapping them around a thin metal rod (called a loc needle or crochet hook) before tightly securing them with an elastic band. The result is a neat, uniform dreadlock that resembles a coil of rope.

Want to know more about dreadlocks? Visit our blog to find out the origins of dreadlocks, maintenance tips and more.

How are they Different from Traditional Dreadlocks?

woman with dreads wearing a blue and white long sleeve shirt

This method of using a needle to snag the hair and then twist it into dreadlock-like dreads is what makes it different from the traditional way of making dreadlocks, which involves backcombing the hair or using dread wax to form the dreads. Wick dreading is said to be less damaging to the hair and can be done on all types of hair, including synthetic hair. Additionally, wick dreads usually look more like natural dreadlocks than traditional dreadlocks.

Wick dreads can be made with any hair, but they are most commonly seen in people with afro-textured hair. This is because the crocheting technique used to create wick dreads can be difficult to master if you don't have experience working with afro-textured hair. It's also worth noting that wick dreads require regular maintenance; if you don't keep up with your appointments, your wick dreads will quickly become tangled.

What Kind of Maintenance Do Wick Dreadlocks Require

Regardless of how they are made, dreads require regular maintenance to keep them looking their best.

The first step in maintaining dreads is to wash them regularly. This helps to prevent the buildup of dirt and oils, leading to dreads becoming matted and difficult to manage. It is essential to use mild shampoo and to avoid rubbing the dreads too vigorously, as this can cause them to loosen. Once the dreads are clean, they should be allowed to air dry completely before being styled.

Next, it is essential to keep the dreads moisturized. This can be done by using a light oil or leave-in conditioner. It is important not to use too much product, as this can weigh down the dreads and make them look oily. Once the dreads are moisturized, they can be styled as desired.

Finally, it is important to protect the dreads from damage. This means avoiding tight hairstyles that can pull on the roots of the hair and cause breakage. It is also important to avoid using harsh chemicals or heat styling tools, as these can damage the dreads over time. By following these simple guidelines, you can keep your dreads looking their best for years to come.

Related Link: What To Know About Maintaining Frizzy Dreads

Are Wick Dreadlocks Right For Me?

If you're thinking about getting wick dreads, the first question you need to ask yourself is whether or not you're willing to commit to the upkeep. As we mentioned earlier, wick dreads require regular maintenance; if you're not prepared to go to your appointment regularly, then wick dreads are probably not right for you. 

Another thing to consider is whether or not you want permanent dreadlocks. While it is possible to undo wick dreads, the process is often long and complicated, and it's not guaranteed that your hair will return to its original state. If you're undecided about whether or not you want permanent dreadlocks, we recommend starting with semi-permanent ones instead; that way, you can see how you feel about them before making a commitment. 

Wick dreads are a type of permanent dreadlock made using a crocheting technique. They require regular maintenance and can be difficult to undo if you change your mind about them later on. If you're thinking about getting wick dreads, make sure that you're prepared to commit to the upkeep before making your decision.

Related Link:  An Introduction to Freeform Locs

The Symbolism of Wick Dreadlocks

Dreads have been a part of human culture for thousands of years, and their symbolism has varied widely from one society to the next. In some cultures, dreads are seen as a sign of wisdom and maturity, while in others they are associated with spiritual energy or even magical powers. Today, dreads are often worn as a fashion statement, but they can also be seen as a way to express political beliefs or cultural identity. Whether you see them as fashionable or as a spiritual practice, dreads will continue to hold meaning for many people around the world.

Can Anyone Have Wick Dreadlocks?

a man with wick dreadlocks taking a picture

Yes! Anyone can get wick dreads, regardless of their hair type or texture. That said, certain hair types may be more difficult to dread than others. For example, straight hair may require more backcombing to create the base for the dreadlocks. And fine, thin hair may be more likely to break during the locking process. As such, it's generally advised that people with straight or fine hair consult with a professional stylist before attempting to create their own dreadlocks.

Looking for additional loc hair care products? Go to Lion Locs today and check out our wide range of moisturizers, gels, and oils. 

Final Word

That’s all for our introduction to Wick Dreads. Be sure to check out our website to learn more about loc products. We also have a blog where we post information about natural hair, dreadlocks, and other topics related to healthy hair. Thanks for reading!

Related Link: 3 Ways To Rock Loc Bun Styles

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